Nik and I each have over 20 years of experience providing a broad range of sophisticated tax planning for individuals, families, estates, trusts and businesses. Our goal is to help minimize current and future taxes, which may include federal, state and local income taxes, federal estate taxes and/or Pennsylvania Inheritance Taxes.
Almost everything you do has tax considerations:
When starting a business, either on your own or with others, you need to carefully consider the type of entity that you select as it will affect the way that you are taxed.
If you are buying or selling business assets or stock you need to structure the transaction properly since there are major tax implications to both the buyer and the seller.
Setting up an estate plan requires reviewing federal estate tax and Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax issues.
Year end planning is important to ensure you are taking full advantage of any tax breaks and understand your tax situation.
We will listen to you and understand that potential tax savings is likely only one of several goals important to you. We will take all of your priorities and values into account when advising you on the most tax-efficient ways to meet your specific goals. We will lay out your options and make sure you understand the pros and cons of each. You will actively participate in the decision-making process as we walk you through each step, beginning at the planning stage through to the execution phase.